Roots Archives website is one of the most complete reggae databases to be found on the worldwide web. Their purpose is to "bring you a comprehensive and searchable database of Jamaican Roots Reggae Albums from 1970 to 1985." And they succeeded. The site is a search-friendly and very easy accessible pool of information which will expand your "want list" to dangerous proportions. In no less then three mouse clicks you'll find yourself having a complete "wannahaves database," so beware.
Newest feature on the site is the
ROOTS ARCHIVES AWARDS 2005 which is a poll to find out what we, the visitors, think was the best roots-reggae reissue released in the januari 2005 'till december 2005 stretch. There are four categories with pre-selected nominees so all you have to do is check a box in each category. Leave your name and e-mail, and you might even snatch one of the winning items!
Nice one!
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